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크로스 탭 쿼리 생성기

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원문 http://blog.naver.com/choick74/120002629876

테이블과 그에 연관된 컬럼 들을 넘겨주면 크로스 탭 쿼리를 생성하여 크로스 탭 쿼리 문장과 그 결과를 함께 되돌려준다.



       Renaissance Computer Systems LTD.
By Kim Major (07/07/1999) for IVBUG (Israeli Visual Basic User Group)

Purpose: Create dynamic cross tab query. The result of this stored procedure, is a select statement
that generates a crosstab query based on the input parameters. The result of this query as well as 
the select statements itself are returned to the client in two resultsets.

Sample call in the northwind database (requires custom view)
execute sp_Cross 'QuarterlyOrdersByProduct', 'Quarters','ProductName' , 'ProductAmount'

Sample call with expression for column in the northwind database (requires custom view)
execute sp_Cross 'TableName', 'DATEPART(month, ColName)','ColName' , 'ColName'

This sp may be used in your application without permission as long as the 
header above these two lines is not removed.

This sp may not be made public on a web site or other media without permission.


create procedure sp_Cross
 @tablename   varchar(255), -- Table/View on which to perform the cross tab query.
 @crosscolumn  varchar(255), -- Attribute to be used as columns in the cross tab.
 @crossrow   varchar(255), -- Attribute to be used as rows in the cross tab.
 @crossvalue   varchar(255) -- Attribute to be used as value in the cross tab.


-- Work variables
 @sql    varchar(8000), -- Hold the dynamically created sql statement
 @colname   varchar(255), -- The current column when building sql statement
 @i     smallint,  -- know when we reached the last column (@i = @cols)
 @cols    smallint,  -- Number of columns
 @longest_col  smallint,  -- the len() of the widest column
 @CrLf    char(2)
-- Constants
 @max_cols_in_table smallint,
 @max_col_name_len smallint,
 @max_statement_len smallint,
 @sql7    bit,   -- 1 when version 7, 0 otherwise.
 @err_severity  int

set nocount on

set @max_cols_in_table = 255
set @max_statement_len = 8000
set @max_col_name_len = 128
set @err_severity  = 11
set @CrLf = char(13) + char(10)

-- Check inputs
if @tablename is null or @crosscolumn is null or @crossrow is null or @crossvalue is null begin
 raiserror ('Missing parameter(s)!',@err_severity,1)
 return 0

-- Check for existence of the table.
if (not exists(select * from sysobjects where name like @tablename))begin
 raiserror ('Table/View for crosstab not found!',@err_severity,1)
 return 0

-- Don't check for columns because we may actually get an expression as the column name

-- prepare for future feature of checking database version to validate 
-- inputs. Default to version 7
set @sql7 = 1
if (patindex('%SQL Server  7.%',@@version) = 0) begin 
 set @sql7 = 0

-- Extract all values from the rows of the attribute 
-- we want to use to create the cross column. This table
-- will contain one row for each column in the crosstab.
create table #crosscol (crosscolumn varchar(255))
set @sql = ' insert #crosscol Select Distinct ' + @crosscolumn + 
   ' From ' + @tablename --+ 
   --' Group By ' + @crosscolumn
--print @sql
exec (@sql)
set @cols = @@rowcount

if @cols > @max_cols_in_table begin
 raiserror ('Exceeded maximum number of columns in Cross-tab',@err_severity,1) 
 return 0
else begin
 if @cols = 0 begin
  raiserror ('Could not find values to use for columns in Cross-tab',@err_severity,1)
  return 0
 else begin
  -- Check if any of the data is too long to make it a name of a column
  select @longest_col = max(len(convert(varchar(129),crosscolumn))) 
  from #crosscol

  if @longest_col > @max_col_name_len begin
   raiserror ('Value for column name exceeds legal length of column names',@err_severity,1)
   return 0
  else begin
   -- All Validations OK, start building the dynamic sql statement

   set @sql = ''
   -- Use tmp table rows to create the sql statement for the crosstab.
   -- each row in the table will be a column in the cross-tab
   set @sql = 'select isnull(convert(varchar(255), ' + @crossrow + '),''Undefined'') As ' 
      + @crossrow + ', ' + @CrLf + space(4)

   --set @sql = 'select ' + @crossrow + ', ' + char(13)
   declare cross_sql cursor for
   select crosscolumn 
   from #crosscol 
   order by crosscolumn

   --print 'Sql cross statment: ' +  @sql

   open cross_sql
   fetch next from cross_sql into @colname
   -- Use "@i" to check for the last column. We need to input commas 
   -- between columns, but not after the last column
   set @i = 0
   while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 begin
    set @i = @i + 1
    set @colname = isnull(@colname,'Undefined')
    set @crossvalue = isnull(@crossvalue, 0)

    Set @sql = @sql  + '''' +  
     convert(varchar(128), @colname) + 
     ''' = sum(case convert(varchar(128), ' + @crosscolumn + ')' 
      + char(13) + char(10) + space(8) + 
      ' when ''' + @colname + ''' then ' + @crossvalue + ' else 0 end) '

    if @i < @cols
     set @sql = @sql + ', ' + @CrLf + space(4)
     set @sql = @sql + @CrLf

    fetch next from cross_sql into @colname

   close cross_sql
   deallocate cross_sql

   set @sql = @sql + ' from ' + @tablename + ' Group By ' + @crossrow
   if len(@sql) >= @max_statement_len begin
    raiserror ('Crosstab sql statement cannot exceed 7999 characters',@err_severity,1)
    return 0

   exec (@sql)
   Select 'Sql' =  @sql
   set nocount off   
   return 1
